Family Owned & Operated Since 1916
Raw milk | 100% Grass-Fed beef | Pasture-Raised Pork
Raw Milk
We are one of the oldest all-grass dairies in Colorado. Join our milk share to receive fresh, raw, milk weekly from our farm. All of our dairy cattle are grass-fed and never given grain to provide you with the highest levels of nutrients in the milk.
100% Grass-Fed Beef
Our cattle are rotated through grass-alfalfa pastures to fatten them, producing flavorful marbled “low-choice” grade beef. The meat is lean but still marbled with enough fat to be good-tasting.
Pasture-Raised Pork
Our hogs are raised on pasture their entire lives. They are never confined and are rotated through different pastures. We use the pigs’ innate desire to root and dig to renovate our annual pastures.
Our farm supplies the majority of the produce for the Excelsior CSA. 18 weeks of fresh produce delivered to Pueblo & Colorado Springs.
our mission
At Larga Vista we strive to produce the most nutritious food possible, while properly caring for the land to provide for future generations.